Day 1, Memories
For our first day, we were asked to bring 10 items from our past and present, objects that we valued and to which we would have memories forever.
After exploring my bedroom and taking enough time to pick them carefully, I ended un with the following items:
1. A Bruce Springsteen box with live records (a present given to me from a very special person in my life)
2. My favourite paiting from the spanish paintor Sorolla.
3. One of my personal hobbies, patchwork.
4. The first picture I took from my mother.
5. My favourite photograph in which i'm leaning againt a beautiful old tree.
6. The souvenir bought in Rio de Janeiro (the statue of el Corcobado)
7. The shell I found in la Barceloneta.
8. A dried rose who was given to me on Sant Jordi day.
9. The last book i've read (The Outsider from Albert Gamus).
10. A bracelet my grandfather gave me as a present (the stone it's made from is lapislazuli).
After choosing 4 of the 10 items, we were asked to draw them on an A1 trying to compose an image in which all of them where conected in a way and most important distortioning reality.
I experimented with different techniques of painting and drawing to put together the final composition. I also played around with them to figure out the best way to join them together deciding to overlap the leaves of the photograph on top of the shell that holds down the rose, and finally use the bracelet to unite all the object together so the painting can be seen as a one only image.
The second task was to photocopy the objects so we could later build 5 collages.
These are the results:
All of the four items are essential to me, and they all bring back memories from different moments in my life, places, people, experiences, smells, colours...
When trying to create these collages, my idea was to try and visually express how I remember them in my memory. I played with the idea that humans try and place memories in a chronological order as to facilitate when trying to find an old memory. The basic concept is a line that places different objects (memories) in a coherent order, although we sometimes frame important moments in our life which is what I tried to express on the second collage. However sometimes we try and recall something from the past and we end up mixing memories, as shown in the first collages. People do not remember everything from their past, so sometimes they have small memories, but when something has been important throughout their lifes they keep a big image in their minds, which is what I have tried to define in the last two collages.
The overall impression I have on these two project is positive, working with important and personal objects that are part of my life has been an advantage because I understand them and know what they mean to me. The only tricky part has been to relate them because to me, they are totally different items that are part of different moments of my life. To overcome this problem I have focused on how I think my mind works and then I have expressed it visually through the collages.