jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Week Timeline

On our last day of our first week in the Foundation, we were asked to create a quick list of what we had been doing for the whole week; what we had been working on during our first week, what was the theme we related everything to, the visits to the museums, the projects given in studio hours, basically a roundup of the whole week.

This task was meant to be quick, and done in a short time, we could not only create a list, but organize it in our own way, and place everything depending on how we strongly felt about the activities. My idea was to place the list and create something which would remind people of a  constellation, as they are organized, simple, neat, and most important, they connect stars. I wanted to expose how my thoughts where organized in my mind, and how they are connected between each other.

The following image is the result of a quick sketch of the activities that I had done during the week inspired by the constellation. 

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