jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013


When I viseted the V&A, I visited the exhibition Making it up: Photographic Fictions.
From all the photographs there was one that gave me an idea of how to document the burial of my 10 items.

Duane Michals,
Chance Meeting 

In this photograph, Michals uses sequences of photographs to suggest a narrative. 
The stories are often open-ended and sometimes even surreal.

Instead of filminf the burial which would have been very plain, I will use a sequence of photographs (no more than 6) put together in cronological order to explain the story of the burial.

The place decided to bury the items is a hidden part in Hampstead Heath park, the main idea is to bury the object in the wild, the forest, surrounded by nature, where they fill be hidden for as many years as possibe.

Hampstead Heath, David Sullivan, 2002

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